Independent Greeks look set to overcome the 3% threshhold and enter parliament. No polls have yet been conducted on Social Compact, since it was founded only yesterday (March 14). Its chances of parliament entry look smaller but are not negligible.

“In case these two parties enter parliament, it is completely impossible for ND to reach 30% and for PASOK to reach 20%” writes analyst George Delastik at Ethnos daily. “This means the two mainstream parties are highly unlikely to muster the 180 votes required to ammend the constitution. If ND's share of the vote dips well bellow 30% and PASOK's share dips well bellow 20%, while both new parties end up well above the 3% threshhold, then the new parties could function as catalysts. They could profoundly transform the post-election political landscape, due to their close relations to PASOK and ND and to their ability to penetrate these parties.”