The victim, fearing for her life after encountering her ex-partner lurking outside her residence, had sought assistance at the Agioi Anargyroi Police Station alongside a friend. Despite her pleas for a patrol car escort home due to the imminent threat, officers informed her none were available, advising her instead to dial the emergency number 100. This crucial delay proved fatal; as she reached out for help via phone, her ex-partner ambushed and fatally stabbed her.

The incident occurred in close proximity to the police station, leaving the community in shock. The assailant, found severely injured from self-inflicted wounds, confirmed the victim’s fears of his violent intentions. The authorities have since initiated an internal investigation to examine the police response and the circumstances that failed to prevent this act of violence.

This case sheds light on the ongoing struggle in Greece for adequate protection against domestic violence, highlighting a systemic issue that demands urgent attention and reform.


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