The 50-year-old man who fatally stabbed his 40-year-old estranged wife in Menidi on Thursday is being taken to court today to appear before the investigator. He will provide his testimony and respond to the charges against him.

The woman had filed three previous complaints against him for domestic violence, the most recent just ten days ago. Despite these complaints, he remained free.

On the day of the murder, the perpetrator was scheduled to appear in court for domestic violence charges. He had been released due to a procedural delay, a decision now seen as potentially mistaken given his history.

The events leading to the murder

The 50-year-old was arrested on Thursday afternoon in Fyli and confessed to his crime. He described his actions to the police, stating, “I woke up in the morning and went to that spot because I knew she passed by at 5:30 in the morning. When I saw her, I took out the knife and started stabbing her. I then left on foot and went to a hotel. I stayed there for a while and then left.”

He added, “I couldn’t bear to see her lover driving my car. I was working and she was spending my money. Yesterday, I decided to kill my wife. Should I work two jobs so that she can spend my earnings? I knew the time she would leave the house. I ambushed her and stabbed her. Then I went to a hotel, where I stayed for about two hours. After that, I went out and drank a few beers until the police found me.”

The aftermath

The case has highlighted serious concerns about the handling of domestic violence cases and the judicial system’s ability to protect victims. The tragic events in Menidi underscore the need for more effective measures to prevent such heinous acts and ensure that victims of domestic abuse receive the protection they urgently need.


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