According to messages shared on their official page, many firefighters have not received any water throughout their gruelling shifts, with some going nearly 48 hours without proper hydration. “The authorities did not ensure that these young men, many of whom are on their second 24-hour shift, received even a bottle of water. Food, which is likely considered a luxury, is out of the question,” the announcement reads.

This disturbing pattern of neglect has been reported several times this season, reflecting what the firefighters describe as a failure of the new operational doctrine. “What kind of organisation can we talk about when even a basic need like water is ignored?” they ask. The firefighters expressed their gratitude to the citizens who have stepped in to provide support where official channels have failed.

A report by ThePressProject (TPP) a month ago shed light on the broader challenges facing seasonal firefighters. Despite the country being engulfed in flames and the political leadership claiming preparedness, the reality on the ground tells a different story. With the fire department grappling with a shortfall of 3,500 positions, the government has refused to grant permanent status to seasonal firefighters, instead opting for temporary fixes and transfers that only create new problems.


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