In their letter, the group expressed the importance of commemorating Zak Kostopoulos, also known as “Zackie Oh,” who was brutally murdered on this street in 2018, in what is widely regarded as a hate crime. They believe that renaming the street will serve as a crucial step in acknowledging and remembering the fight against gender-based violence and promoting human rights.

“We strongly believe that no crime of gender-based violence should go unpunished. Renaming our street would be a small but significant step towards restoring collective memory and making the message ‘never again’ visible and recognised,” the letter reads.

The group argues that changing the street’s name to Zak Kostopoulou Street would symbolise a broader commitment to combating gender-based and racially motivated violence, ensuring such acts are not forgotten by Greek society. They believe the street would become a landmark of memory and resistance, representing a stand against intolerance and violence.

Among the signatories of the petition are prominent organisations within Greece’s cultural sector, including:

  • The Panhellenic Federation of Theatre and Performing Arts
  • The Society of Greek Actors
  • The Union of Lyrical Performers of Greece
  • The Association of Workers in the Dance Field
  • The Entertainment, Performance and Culture Workers Association
  • The Association of Technical Employees in Live Audiovisual Events
  • The National Lyrical Stage Workers’ Association
  • The National Theatre Employees Association
  • The Unified Association of Ministry of Culture Employees


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