Specifically, criminal prosecutor Athanasia Yfantis was instructed to examine whether charges of negligence leading to commonly dangerous damage or violations of building regulations are applicable.

The investigation, to be carried out by the Fire Service, will focus on the circumstances surrounding the fall, the timing of the last maintenance, and whether any unsafe materials were used in the lift. Additionally, the prosecutor has requested an inspection of all lifts at the university’s student centres to assess whether faulty maintenance may pose further risks.

The lift collapse occurred on Monday, October 8, at around 9:00 p.m. A student from AUTH commented, “If someone had been inside, they would have been injured. We can’t risk our lives because of a failure to fund necessary repairs.”

Responsibility for the incident is being disputed between the university rector and the Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (INEDIVIM), which manages the residences. The lift had reportedly been operating without the required inspection certificate for two years, according to TUV AUSTRIA, an authorised lift inspection body.


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