“We will not allow the port of Piraeus to be used for war,” ENEDEP declared, urging workers, unions, and residents to oppose the shipment of weapons to Israel, which they described as contributing to the “slaughter of the Palestinian and Lebanese people.”

In its statement, the union elaborated:

“At this moment, a ship loaded with war material is preparing to enter Piraeus, intended to equip the killing machine of the Israeli state, which, with the backing of NATO and the EU, continues its bloodshed. This puts workers and residents of Piraeus at risk of retaliation. We urge all workers, unions, and the youth to gather and stop the transfer of weapons. Already, through the dynamic intervention of our union’s board and port workers, we have managed to halt the loading for the plans of those who butcher innocent people.”

The union condemned Greece’s participation in what it termed “imperialist designs,” highlighting the danger such involvement poses to the country and its ports. “In the port where we fight every day for health and safety measures, their warmongering plans have no place. Here, where we struggle for better working and living conditions for ourselves and our children, there is no room for murderers.”

The union further criticised successive Greek governments, accusing them of being complicit in the violence through their alliances with NATO and the EU. Despite this, ENEDEP emphasised that the workers in Piraeus “have kept their hands clean,” standing in solidarity with oppressed peoples and fighting for peace.

“The dockers are showing in action that they will not allow materials intended to kill children and women in Palestine and Lebanon to be loaded with their own hands,” the statement continued. “We are raising our fists for peace and brotherhood among peoples. Greece must have no participation in this war.”


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