Speaking to Greek television station KONTRA, Ambrosiadis explained that he had been forced to leave Gavdos for “defaming the island” after he made the issue public. “I couldn’t remain silent about water that is full of coliform bacteria,” he said, adding that subsequent tests confirmed his warnings. “When the official results came in, I was vindicated because the water was indeed contaminated.”

Ambrosiadis raised the alarm following a spike in gastroenteritis cases in August, suspecting the water as the source of the outbreak. He noted that whether the cause was norovirus, coliform bacteria, or other microbes, the infections were likely spreading through contaminated water.

Tests carried out by the National Public Health Organisation (EODY) revealed high levels of coliform bacteria in several water sources, including the Kouleriana borehole and public taps in the Sarakiniko area.

Ambrosiadis alleges that his removal came after Mayor Stefanaki sent a letter to the 7th Health Region requesting his transfer, a move that was promptly endorsed by Minister Georgiadis. He criticised the mayor and the local administration, saying they had resisted his efforts to address key public health issues on the island. “They don’t want me because I try to fix things,” he said. “When they do act, they don’t do it properly.”

Despite his forced departure, Ambrosiadis remained philosophical about his work on Gavdos. “I leave behind a significant project,” he said. “I don’t expect recognition from anyone, even though many people have reached out to me in recent days.”


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