The “fight” with troika
The representatives of the ECB, the EU and the IMF will be in Athens on Monday. Desperate, behind the scenes efforts for a compromise. The creditors are insisting on new measures of €2 billion, while the Greek government claims that the fiscal gap is only €500 million. PM Samaras to have a telephone conversation with German leader Merkel later this week.


Ex-Foreign Minister Pangalos whitewashes the U.S.A. 
His statement “We all are spying together”* legitimizes international spying by intelligence services.

*This is a reference to “We all ate together”, a controversial statement Pangalos made in regard to tax-evasion and corruption in Greece, where he implied that everyone, the political elites and citizens, bore equal responsibility for squandering public money.


Troika-Greek government: The only one with “red lines” is the Troika
The Troika will not come to Athens unless the Greek government agrees on the size of the fiscal gap, according to an official European Commission statement. The Greek government will need to pass new measures in order to raise the extra €2 billion demanded by its creditors, instead of €500 million, the government estimate for the fiscal gap. 



Lavrov comes to Athens
The ice between Russia and Greece is thawing, several months after the failed attempts by Russian interests to buy the state-owned Depa natural gas utility and the Greek railways.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s visit to Athens is the first step in order for Greek-Russian diplomatic relations to recover.


The “theoretician” of Golden Dawn burns the leader of the organization
A recently published book by the man who penned the organization’s basic ideological texts, refers to Golden Dawn’s relation to Nazism and its support of Hitler.