How we avoided getting kicked out from the euro
The dramatic discussions between US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Wolfgang Schauble [as revelaed in the former US Treasury Secretary's book, Stress Test.]


Small bondholders: 17 suicides for the success story!
A cry of desperation for deaf ears
An emotional gut-punch of a video with shocking personal accounts. Available in full on

  • Konstantinos: “I didn’t expect the state to take my money. My sweat, my toil.”
  • Nikos – Despoina: “The money we made was with blood, working hard in Germany. I can’t bear to look at my child. I convinced him to also invest his savings.”
  • Giorgos: “For 30 years I worked hard in Germany with my wife”
  • Alexandra: “My husband was an immigrant to Africa. Everything he made was lost.”

“The patriot bondholders” as they had been described by Antonis Samaras when he made his sweeping commitments in Zappeion, are counting their 17th suicide because they had made the mistake of entrusting their savings to the Greek state. Fifteen thousand individuals who together with their families number 200,000 people affected, saw their life savings, which they had built up through innumerable hours of hard work, disappear because of their participation in the restructuring of Greek debt, despite assurances that they would not be affected.

A guilty silence from Samaras-Venizelos over the ‘Cannes Agreement’
Alexis Tsipras: The European leadership wants vassal governments

A deafening silence – which amounts to an admission of guilt – has been the reaction of Samaras and Venizelos to revelations of the ‘Cannes agreement’ whereby at the suggestion of Barroso a PASOK – New Democracy unity government was planned in with the replacement of George Papandreou by Lucas Papademos with the goal of continuing the Memorandum wanted by the country’s lenders. Antonis Samaras has avoided explaining how he went from being ‘anti-memorandum’ to ‘pro-memorandum’ due to one phone call, while Evangelos Venizelos implies that George Papandreou was responsible for the discussions with Samaras. In PASOK the Papandreou camp and supporters of his planned referendum talks of a ‘derailment of democracy’.
Alexis Tsipras spoke of a ‘deficit in democracy’ in Europe who described Samaras as ‘Barroso’s puppet.”

Five changes for the shoreline bill
The amendments that were provoked by the outcry
Illegal buildings to be legalised only after an environmental assessment

The government is promoting a series of changes in the draft law for the shoreline with the aim of getting past the intense protests of environmental organisations, the opposition but also coalition MPs. Among others the law provides for at least 50% of the expanse of any given beach remain free from umbrellas, loungers, etc. 

We vote, God elects!

With a… pre-election manifesto which was read in churches in the diocese of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki the Metropolitan Nikolaos warned his flock that it will ‘sin if it entrusts its vote’ to leaders “without feelings of faith”.