Voters send a message to the government, but it remains standing

SYRIZA tops European elections but governing parties dominate in regional elections

Voters sent a powerful message to New Democracy and in part to Elia [the PASOK umbrella group] but one that did not develop into a vote to overthrow the government. That was the results of the European elections in which SYRIZA came top but without a wide enough difference to cast into doubt the legitimacy of the coalition government, the candidates of which prevailed in the vast majority of regional elections.

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, following the announcement of the results sent a message of political stability while the opposition party SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras avoided demanding a snap election and asked for general elections ‘as soon as possible’. Aides of Mr Samaras say a cabinet reshuffle is certain and are rejecting scenarios of general elections in the autumn. It is, however, clear that all of the party planning committees are proceeding under the assumption that the current parliament will most likely be in place at most until the Presidential elections in March. Mr Samaras has already spoken of righting injustices, while Mr Venizelos announced a party conference for October, while Mr Tsipras talked of the need to establish a wider political alliance which would be able to win the next elections.

The results also contained messages for the smaller parties. Apart from the shocking gains of Golden Dawn, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) also posted gains and newcomer To Potami came in fifth place. In contrast the results for Independent Greeks and the Democratic Left (DIMAR) are seen as defeats and the two parties are now entering a period of uncertainty.



SYRIZA – 26.56%

New Democracy – 23.08%

Golden Dawn – 9.41%

Elia (PASOK) – 8.04%

To Potami – 6.56%

KKE – 6.02%

Independent Greeks – 3.39%

LAOS – 2.72%





An historic win for the Left

Yesterday proved to be a milestone in modern Greek political history as the Left achieved a double win for the first time. SYRIZA came first in the countrywide showdown of the European elections with about a 4 point difference and won control of the region of Attica with Rena Dourou. Gabriel Sakellaridis also achieved an impressive result (48.5%) but lost the election to [incumbent mayor] Giorgos Kaminis. Samaras and Venizelos acted like they did not understand the outcome of the elections, but could not hide their discomfort and from today there will be developments in the government and in the parties.

The results were a painful blow to DIMAR (the Democratic Left) which was kept out of the European Parliament while Golden Dawn saw gains in its percentages but did not manage to pass the symbolic level of 10%.


Victory but no overthrow

An end to the scenarios of early elections

Tsipras – SYRIZA 26.53%
The victor in the eyes of public opinion and with first place in European elections is pushing for early general elections.

Samaras – New Democracy 23.05%
With losses in the European elections and dominance in the regions he has surpassed the dilemma raised by Tsipras.

Venizelos – Elia 8.03%
With a result twice that predicted by opinion polls he will take the initiative to shore up the government.

Kouvelis – DIMAR 1.23%
Voters turned their backs on DIMAR which will have an emergency conference.

KKE – 6.04%
A total comeback via the European elections and the KKE win in the Patras municipality.
To Potami – 6.55%
A promising start for the 88 day old party.

Abstention – 41%
Voters took their first trips to the beach yesterday and from what it seems they will… continue.


Defeat for all

Tsipras comes first but without the dynamism of power

Society says ‘no more’ to Samaras! New Democracy falls 6 points in comparison to the elections of June 2012. Full speed ahead to a cabinet reshuffle.

Venizelos is below the benchmark of 10% (which he himself had set)
Golden Dawn is now the third biggest party  with a ‘controlled’ rise

DIMAR disappears!
The Independent Greeks of Panos Kammenos are between wear and indestructibility. A surprise result from [right wing LAOS leader] Karatzaferis (2.72%)! The River [to Potami] subsides. KKE is at low levels.




EU: Euroscepticism on the rise

Last night was a difficult one for the European idea. A series of eurosceptic and far-right parties saw dramatic gains. A political earthquake in France as the National Front party of Marie Le Pen tops the polls – the same in the UK with Nigel Farage’s win. ‘Slaps in the face’ for many governments.