Tsipras’s roadblock

STOP – to new measures and privatizations
STOP – to the selling off of state assets
STOP – to the appointment of new Bank of Greece Governor, EU commissioner

Alexis Tsipras repeated his demand yesterday for general elections as soon as possible to the President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias.

Operating as the main driver of developments he made it clear that the government cannot bind the country to new commitments for the coming years. At the same time he warned the government not to proceed with new measures. Additionally he said that the government must not dare appoint a new governor of the Bank of Greece and commissioner to the European Union. 





The first moves following the polls

A cabinet reshuffle and tax reductions

The growth plan, the plan for development using European structural funds (ESPA) and tax reductions for households via the solidarity tax will be implemented soon.

A cabinet reshuffle is on the table to correct errors and improve the government’s effectiveness on the real economy.

Hard rock from Tsipras who is insisting on early general elections. Democratic Left (DIMAR) leader Fotis Kouvelis is up in the air and his party officials are searching following the devastation of DIMAR in the European elections. Discontent among the Independent Greeks who are beginning a conference tomorrow.




An admission of defeat from the coalition

PASOK moves to change the electoral law – their goal is to block SYRIZA while they still can

One a day after the European elections the coalition partners are suddenly moving to change the electoral law, effectively admitting their defeat and anticipating that in the next general election they will once again be beaten by SYRIZA. Deputy PM Evangelos Venizelos is expected to raise the issue of a change in the electoral law with Antonis Samaras during their meeting on Thursday, proposing a reduction or elimination of the 50 seat ‘bonus’ for the top party. The issue was discussed yesterday at a meeting at PASOK headquarters.




Ankara is maintaining the high tensions

Five new courses sailed by Turkish warships yesterday in the Cyclades

The Turkish are keeping tensions high in the Aegean with violations of Greek airspace and continual courses sailed by Turkish ships in Greek territorial waters. The above are taking place in the context of the aeronautical exercise ‘Beyaz Firtina 2014’ which will be completed on the 1st of June. Yesterday five new courses sailed by Turkish ships were recorded in the Cyclades while there were 42 violations. Ships of the Greek navy which were in the area and Greek fighter jets observed the violations and signaled to the ships that they were in Greek territorial waters.




The hour of the economy

Stock market rises 2.27%, spreads drop

  • The market reacted favourably and is expecting new initiatives from the government
  • Tax reductions are a central government goal.
  • The successful implementation of reforms and privatizations are high on the agenda.
  • The coming discussions with the troika are expected to be decisive.