The latest findings give an extremely marginal lead to the party of SYRIZA which appears to be 0,2 percent ahead of the second New Democracy.

On the other hand, the president of New Democracy, E.Meimarakis scores higher in the positive feelings of the voters towards him while Mr.Tsipras comes second.

47% of those who participated in the poll stated that they wish to see a coalition government being formed after the elections.

The poll predicts that no less than 9 parties will be voted in the next parliament.


New Democracy 25,8%

Golden Dawn 6,5%

Pasok 6%

KKE 5,7%

To Potami 4,4%

LAE 3,6%

EK 3,3%


It is obvious that the difference between the leading parties as well as that between the following ones is so marginal, and so much within the bounds of statistical error that no safe prediction can be drawn about the outcome of the elections. It should also be noted that the major polling companies in Greece have a rather long and sad record of failures when it comes to predicting the final results.