The solidarity call has been announced during a press briefing organized by Greek antiracist organizations with the participation of representatives from various movements from Ireland, Poland and Spain. Among others, protests will also be organized in Austria and Slovenia; countries whose governments have engaged in notorious anti-refugee rhetoric and practices.
The main issues discussed during the meeting were the closed borders of “fortress Europe”, the denial of asylum to refugees -eligible by international law- and the development of the refugee crisis into an ongoing problem due to the lack of will to resolve the situation, even at the expense of human lives.
Other countries where demonstrations “against racism, islamophobia, anti-Semitism and scapegoating migrants” will take place are, England, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Croatia, Cyprus, and Lebanon. In Greece, public gatherings have been programmed in 8 different locations, among which is the island of Lesvos; the main entrance point of refugees currently.