After obtaining access to the “ Syrian Files” through Wiklileaks , ThePressProject is revealing  the involvement of Italian defence technology firm Finmeccanica  and Greek firm Intracom in providing the Syrian regime with communications equipment used by the Syrian army and police, even after the EU had imposed sanctions on Bashar al Assad’s government because of the continuing suppression of demonstrations. 
Italian weekly  L’Espresso first mentioned that Finmeccanica’s Selex Elsag unit  in cooperation with Intracom  has sold Syrian authorities Tetra mobile communications equipment, a system used by military, police and emergency services as well as companies and other organisations. 
Both Intracom and Selex Elsag stated that this technology is designed and sold for civil use. Moreover, according to Intracom’s statement of July 6th 2012, the Tetra system was provided to Syria in accordance with all regulations. The firm insists it is not involved in operating the Tetra system and cannot control where and how it is used.  In addition, Intracom  stressed that it has stopped its cooperation with the Assad government because of the bloodshed in Syria. 
According to the e-mails that ThePressProject is releasing through Wikileaks, Intracom knew that this communications equipment  was used in military helicopters (one of these e-mails dated February 2012). The firm continued to cooperate with Assad’s government  until July 2012, even though on the 18th of January 2012, EU had imposed tough sanctions on the selling of communications equipment used by the government in the suppression.

» Full analysis (Greek language)