Press Review March 6: "It΄s due time for Germany"
As German President visits Athens demands intensify for the issue of German war reparations to be raised; the troika continues to demand legislation allowing for mass layoffs; the government is…
As German President visits Athens demands intensify for the issue of German war reparations to be raised; the troika continues to demand legislation allowing for mass layoffs; the government is…
“I took a hand grenade from a comrade. I threw it behind the police’s fortified positions.” Dimitris Koufodinas, a former leading member of the notorious Greek terrorist organisation November 17…
Wouldn’t it be nice? What about 2 months paid holidays in summer? What about establishing Friday as a day-off without reducing your salary? During the Great Depression President Roosevelt showed…
΄Hope on the Line΄ seeks to document the meteoric rise of SYRIZA (the Coalition of the Radical Left) and its leader Alexis Tsipras, from a political party with marginal support…
Concern for Greek exports as Putin and Obama face off over Crimea; a former 17N leader releases a tell-all book about his days as a terrorist; a TV journalist launches…
Two recent articles – one in the Financial Times and one in the Guardian – present very different views of the same story: the collapse of the Greek property market.
April 20th 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the Ludlow Massacre, an event that marked a turning point in US labour relations when members of the Colorado National Guard…
A cold war climate returns to Ukraine as Russia takes control of Crimea; milk and pharmaceuticals block an agreement between troika and the government; investors are bullish on the Athens…