Ο Νίκος Ιωάννου συζητά με τους συντάκτες του πολιτικού περιοδικού Yavor Tarinski και Αλέξανδρο Σχισμένο, για την γεωπολιτική που αντικαθιστά την πολιτική, για την αδυναμία της οικονομίας να ρυθμίζει τα πράγματα, για την επικινδυνότητα του αισθήματος αδικίας που διακατέχει το ρωσικό πολιτικό κατεστημένο αλλά και την επικινδυνότητα γενικώς του αισθήματος αδικίας των “μεγάλων πατρίδων”, για τον τσάρο πασών των Ρωσιών και για τον πόλεμο κατά των αμάχων.
Τι είναι αυτό που υπερασπίζονται οι τοπικές κοινωνίες της Ουκρανίας και τι προκάλεσε το τεράστιο παγκόσμιο κύμα αλληλεγγύης; Ποιοι είναι οι νεοναζί της μιας και ποιοι της άλλης πλευράς; Τι συμβαίνει με τις παντοειδείς φασιστικές ομάδες των πρώην κομμουνιστικών χωρών; Τι έχει στο μυαλό του ο Πούτιν; Βρισκόμαστε πραγματικά υπό πυρηνική απειλή; Πολλές απαντήσεις αλλά και αναπάντητα ερωτήματα σε μια προσπάθεια διαύγασης των σκοτεινών πλευρών της ρωσικής εισβολής και των απανταχού θλιβερών υπερασπιστών της.
Dress like a girl - fight like a man. Make up your mind.
Just some boys frolicking in a Muslim city, having a gay old time.
We need to increase Moroccan immigration to America. Good job guys.
No, no and no. No more immigrants, particularly from the Middle East or Russia or China or Africa or Latin America or any other place...including California.
if it's a "phobia"... the insanity defense should work instantly every time right?
It's like a reverse america. The tranee gets beaten by a mob. Nasty looking man. He ain't fooling anybody in drag. "That's a man baby yeah!"
Kill them all and let God sort them out. Nobody needs them.
This is great to see. The freaks need to be afraid to do this kind of crap in public. BE ASHAMED!!!! BE AFRAID!!!! LEAVE OUR CULTURES AND CHILDREN ALONE!!!!
Cooks, servers? Shoot, dude, they're the school principals, city council members, soldiers in the army...
In the Biden administration, trannie Rachel Levine is a four star admiral appointed as Assistant Secretary for Health. Remember all that great advice she tendered during the covid pandemic? Neither do I.
Different than Chelsea/Bradley Manning the spy, the first open trannie serving in the Army Major Jamie Lee Henry was indicted for attempting to sell Fort Bragg soldier medical data to Russians. Brian Nguyen, a corpulent ethnic Vietnamese boy, just won Miss America New Hampshire.
Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. With hyper virtue signaling we've morphed since the 1980s from a rational society to lunacy. It's still a mental disorder, but now Americans celebrate deviancy. In Islam it's still haram, sinful. He's lucky this was relatively secular Morocco. If it were Iran he'd be flying off a building.
Trans woman? That is a man who put on some women's clothing. Quit rejecting reality.
Absolutely! And he would have probably passed thru the mob had he not been prancing around nearly naked, dishing his demonic sickness on those who are repelled by it. He got nearly exactly what he deserved. And HE IS NOT A WOMAN.
It is goofy especially since we already had a word for them "cross-dresser"
Transvestite. A MAN who wears women's clothing in public. It would be the same if he cut his dick off. A MAN in a dress without a dick.
Even Bruce Jenner didn't cut his dikc off
Looks like men make the smartest women.
at least they know how to change a tire
.....they might have just been hitting him because he's a prick. Not every assault against a man is misandry, not every assault against a woman is misogyny, why assume anti-LGTPQRSUV.......
I made no such assumption. I merely stated my opposition to the labeling of this man as a woman.
.....actually, I totally agree with your comment Deploradorable, 100%.
This is all bullsht. morroco is 99.1% muslim and there is absolutely NO way in heII they are going to arrest citizens for assaulting a blasphemous monstrosity like that.
I agree except they didn't use chains and burning tires.
I agree that is the only way to keep them from being normalized and grooming kids. I also thought it was funny the only English words I heard were "Fuck you!". Why they would say anything in English is beyond me.
There's no such thing as as trans women, they re MEN WHO PRETEND TO BE WOMEN.
good... to bad they got arrested
Probably taken to the station and fed a steak dinner and given brass knuckles as a parting gift.
"...... against a trans woman vestite...."
There....fixed !!
PHUKKIN' F499OTS.......the Moroccans done it right & we should do the same to these drag queens here
Fuck yeah!! We need to see more shit like this happening..
I expect to see more of this as time goes on hopefully. Tired of being told to bow down to these freaks while they try to molest our children.
u think that nonsense is tolerated everywhere? smh
Looks to me that that Tubbytranz was the aggressor, and those innocent bystanders were only defending their buttholes from a depraved, mentally ill reprobate.
Not guilty.
Trans women are men! It might have won in a fair fight.