Costas Lapavitsas, professor of economics at SOAS, University of London and op-ed contributor for ThePressProject International, argues in his new book, Profiting Without Producing, that mature economies are in the vice grip of ‘financialisation’. It has been more than five years since the outbreak of the gigantic financial crisis, but what, if anything, has really changed?
The unfettered capitalism that has brought the market into every corner of society continues to dictate policy, and even orthodox commentators like the FT are questioning the prevailing economic models. But what are our alternatives?
An expert panel including
Costas Lapavitsas – professor of economics at SOAS,
Paul Mason, Culture and Digital editor, Channel 4 News;
Mariana Mazzucato RM Phillips professor in the Economics of Innovation at Sussex University; and
Seumas Milne, Guardian columnist and author, convened at the
Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts (RSA) to discuss the state of the UK economy today.
Chair: Ben Chu is economics editor of The Independent
Suggested hashtag for Twitter users: #RSAeconomy