In Berlin, A. Merkel, F. Hollande, J.C. Juncker,  M. Draghi and Christine Lagarde met in what was reported to be a discussion concerning a final solution about the Greek debt crisis.  
At the same time in Athens every Greek official and minister who played a part in the negotiations gathered in the Prime Minister’s office in a meeting overseen by Mr.Tsipras himself.
In the hours before the meetings, a huge amount of rumours and information suggested that Greece’s creditors had decided to present Greece with an ultimatum, a “take it or leave it” deal which was bound to trigger a series of events either towards a deal or a final rupture in the negotiations. 
….and then, nothing happened…

After a couple of hours the German spokesperson for the Berlin meeting announced that the leaders who met decided that more and swifter action was needed towards a solution, and that they would keep in close contact.
No news have come out of the Greek meeting.