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KATHIMERINIA Turkish Terrorist Cell Members of the organisation DHKP-C found with guns and explosives in two apartments in Athens neighborhood According to Greek police, the 4 people of foreign descent arrested yesterday in two apartments / hideouts in the Athens neighborhood of Gizi are members of the operational wing of the Turkish far-left terrorist organisation DHKP-C (the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front). While they are Turkish citizens with forged travel documents, the antiterrorist police know their true identities and have evidence connecting at least one of them, wanted by Interpol, to a bloody terrorist strike on Turkish soil. In the two apartments on Gennadiou Street, antiterrorist police found kalashnikovs, ammo clips, pistols, sub-machine guns, bullets of various calibers, 6.3 kilos of plastic explosives, F1-type hand grenades, computers, maps of Athens, Alexandroupolis and Turkey, berets with the DHKP-C emblem and photographs of the organisation’s activities. |
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IMERISIANon-Greeks own 50% of shares on Athens Stock Exchange
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ETHNOSInvestigations into MPs finances Kikilias, Repousi and Kapernaros respond The cash transfers made by three MPs to banks outside the country are currently being put under the microscope by the revenue service. The deposits are being investigated as well as the MP’s ‘pothen esches’ financial declarations. [Greek MPs are required to reveal their wealth as well as its sources in annual financial declarations] |
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ELEFTHEROTYPIAThe whiff of corruption emerges from cigarettes The to and fro from ministerial offices has begun over the issue of “new labelling” In the name of cracking down on the black market in cigarettes, a game worth millions of euros is playing out over proposals for changes in the tax stamps on cigarette packets, in line with a European Directive, due to be approved by the European Parliament in February. In Greece it is expected that there will be a change to the relevant law during Greece’s EU Presidency and it appears that some with the right sort of ‘connections’ have spotted opportunities for contracts worth millions and have started besieging ministerial offices asserting that the have the ‘solutions’ because, it just so happens, they have the materials required for the new stamps. In the meantime the fact that to effectively counter cigarette smuggling one needs checks at multiple levels and effective border control is probably being ignored. |
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TA NEAThe mystery of the Gaza statue of Apollo A rare bronze statue of the ancient Greek god Apollo that is at least 2,000 years old, turned up mysteriously in the Gaza strip, was put on ebay, was then confiscated by Hamas security forces and then vanished. |
Press Review February 11
A Turkish terrorist cell is uncovered in the heart of Athens; foreign ownership of Greek stocks reaches 50%; investigations continue into suspicious MP finances; the whiff of corruption emerges over new labelling requirements for cigarettes; and a 2,000 year old statue of Apollo mysteriously disappears. (Illustration of the Apollo statue by David Parkins for BusinessWeek)
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