Schauble strikes again

He pre-announces a new ‘programme’ with a loan of up to 10 billion euros, threatening the again Greeks with an exit from the eurozone if they do not continue the harsh sacrifices.

The troika rejects a proposal for the number of installments to be increased for outstanding taxes! A hair-raising package of labour and social security reforms.

The IMF is aligned asking for further measures and agreeing that the debt is not sustainable.


A rehearsal for power for SYRIZA

It is the first time the Left has so much cash

The battle over 2.5 billion euros to be disbursed by [newly elected regional governor] Rena Dourou is a key test

Every move made by the new regional governor is being scrutinized by New Democracy and ‘comrades’. She has to deal with the 5 most influential dynasties in the country and the projects that are waiting.




Head of Deutsche Bank Juergen Fitschen to Kathimerini: Greece must continue with reforms

Juergen Fitschen offered his ‘honest respect’ for all that Greece has achieved over the past few years in an interview with ‘K’, however he added that much remains to be done. Mr Fitschen stressed that they ‘key’ for Greek businesses is to be ‘powerfully outward looking’ while with regards to the issue of the debt maintained that everything will be judged based on Greece’s reliability.



AVGI (Sunday)

Iouniana 2014

[Explainer: The headline is drawing a parallel between the events of this June (Iouniana) with the ‘Iouliana’ (i.e July events) of 1965, which occurred following the resignation of the then prime minister George Papandreou due to a rift with the king over the appointment of a new defence minister. During a period of political instability, despite the intense opposition of their leader, MPs of Mr Papandreou’s party formed a new government and are now referred to as defectors (apostates).]

There is an intense level of behind-the-scenes deal-making the purpose of which is to carve up or dissolve smaller parties and win over independent MPs in order to shore up the frail government majority in parliament. The goal of the operation ‘Iouniana 2014’ which is being promoted by the Samaras-Venizelos system is to find MPs ‘willing’ to support new, painful measures and, under the pretext of maintaining ‘stability’ to create an illegitimate majority to support the election of a new President of the Republic in order to avoid early elections. DIMAR and Independent Greeks are at the epicenter of the operation with the goal that they become satellites of the governing parties or get broken up. Samaras and Venizelos are promising ministries and attempting to absorb ‘neighbouring’ political groups in order to avoid the looming SYRIZA victory. The European elections however showed that the government lacks political legitimacy and that it is being abandoned by the dynamic social strata. On the other hand Alexis Tsipras, speaking to a conference of Federation of Enterprises proposed the establishment of a social accord for growth and restructuring of the country.




Social Security: A new bomb

The administrative and financial unification of 60 bodies is beginning

The fuse of the bomb of social security rights has been lit by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security with the signing of a contract with the Center of Planning and Economic Research for a study whose purpose is the administrative and financial unification of social security funds. In effect in amounts to opening discussions in the country with regards to changes the government has already agreed to.

These include the elimination of early retirement, an increase in the years of insurance required for a full pension, a unification of the Funds (with the goal of 2017 a basic pension for all worth 360 euros) and a reduction in pensions.