By Paris Ayiomamitis
Survivors of the ferry fire off the coast of Greece described scenes ‘out of hell’
in the Adriatic sea tragedy, leaving at least 10 dead and an unknown number of people missing.
Greek paper Ta Nea and the Athens News Agency said there were still 40 people missing, including 32 Greeks, but the merchant marine ministry has not confirmed the report.
Albanian officials said two Albanian seamen have been killed on a tugboat while towing the fire-stricken Norman Atlantic ferry.
Ministry officials have reportedly complained of a lack of communication with their Italian counterparts, saying they had not even been given the list of passengers on board. Merchant Marine Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis urged Italian authorities to identify those rescued.
“We are asking Italian authorities to identify those that have been rescued so we can inform their family members who are still waiting on the fate of their people,” he said, adding last night that search operations are continuing.
Italian authorities said 427, including 56 crewmembers, were evacuated.
However, the ship's manifest contained 478 names and Italian authorities could not give a number of those missing.
The Italian navy said several of those rescued weren't on the list fuelling suggestions by the Italian premier that the ferry may have been also carrying a number of illegal migrants.
“We cannot say how many people may be missing,” Transport Minister Maurizio Lupi said.
The Greek chartering company, ANEK Lines, said the ferry had 475 passengers on board.
Legal proceedings are under way in the Italian city of Bari to investigate how the Italian-flagged Norman Atlantic ferry on route to Ancona from the Greek port of Patras caught fire, trapping more than 400 people on board who were stranded on deck under rainfall and engulfed in thick smoke.
“It was hellish. I saw terrifying things” Greek soprano Dimitra Theodosiou told ANT1 TV.
“Children, women and the elderly were given priority, but some passengers pushed ahead, shoving and punching to be saved first. Even I was hit, but I lashed out in order to reach the helicopter. It was very ugly”.
“There were all these explosions everywhere,” another survivor said, while many told Greek media they felt like ‘prisoners on a burning ship’.
“I can't breathe. We're burning alive like rats,” one man trapped on board told his wife by phone.
Hundreds of people and two dogs were rescued by helicopter off the ferry’s rain-soaked decks.
The 62-year-old Greek man, Giorgos Doulis, died as he tried to get into a lifeboat. His wife, Theodora survived and told the ANSA news agency that her husband may have hit his head as he fell.
“I tried to save him but I couldn't,” she said.
Another Greek man Konstantinos Koufopoulos, 58, was also confirmed dead.
Survivors complained they received no guidance from mostly Italian crew.
Theodosiou told Italian paper La Repubblica: “There was no alarm – this was the absolute tragedy. They didn't knock. They didn't advise us. We woke from smoke that entered in the room.”
(Combined reports)