ThePressProject (TPP) actively supports the free sharing of information in a healthy environment which will secure the viability of the medium and respect the intellectual work of its contributors.  To achieve that-and knowing that the only asset of web media is the number of visitors-we ask anyone who wishes to use information that is being produced by our editorial team and analysts who collaborate with us, to respect the following terms:

About the OpenProject

ThePressProject claims no rights over any official or unofficial document that might be in the report.

Comment terms

ThePressProject allows comments only to users who are subscribed in the platform (via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail). We maintain the right to erase any comment we consider to be insulting or inflammatory.

Furthemore, we imidiatelly erase any comment, that is  false, defamatory, libelous, abusive, threatening, racially offensive, sexually explicit, obscene, harmful, vulgar, hateful, illegal, or otherwise objectionable content. as these are described in Greek legislature 4285/2014.

Besides erasing the comments, ThePressProject will, if it so decides, permanently block any user (through username and IP blocking). The IP list is erased once every two months.

ThePressProject practices Post Moderation, that is, all comments are published publicly. Users are urged to report any comments they consider to fall under the above categories.

ThePressProject accepts no responsibility, nor does it endorse the commentators views. Everyone is responsible for what they write. According to Greek law, ThePressproject is obligated to provide the authorities with personal information (user name, email, IP) should it be asked via an attorney request. In that case, TPP, maintains the right to let the users know that their data have been requested by the authorities

ThePressProject does not handle commentator's personal data in any manner. You can find out about the confidentiality terms of the platform we use here as well as it terms of use here.


Although ThePressProject owns no connection services, it offers secure access to its pages via the https protocol.

ThePressProject collects no personal data and does, therefore, not manage personal data. TPP fully respects the right of anonymity in the Internet. In those cases where we ask for personal data (i.e. competitions) those data are solely used for the proclaimed reason and are erased within 15 days at most.