The government will submit the first laws, which are to realize the measures that were decided between Greece and its creditors as “prior actions” in order for the negotiations to recommence.

In a previous vote, for the overall approval of the package, the government lost 32 MPs as well as the parliamentary majority. Although the edgier pieces of legislation have been removed for a later date, today’s vote is going to be a telling indication of the intentions of the most vocal and negative MP’s who support SYRIZA’s government.

The former Fin.Min, Y.Varoufakis, the president of the parliament, Z.Konstantopoulou as well as the “left section” of SYRIZA have already voted ‘no’. In an attempt to answer and discipline his unruly MP’s, the Prime Minister has already circulated a non paper titled: “Don’t hide behind the protection of my signature.”

The deliberations have already started in the various parliamentary committees. The final vote is set to take place at 12:00 midnight.