Tzouli explained that despite technical challenges, the investigator managed to view the footage, only to discover that all five videos had been cut at a critical point in the recording. This revelation led to an immediate approval of Tzouli’s request to confiscate all related audio-visual materials to prevent further manipulation.

Additionally, Tzouli highlighted a concerning interaction with an officer involved in the investigation. Upon questioning the officer about the timeline and custody of the seized materials, she received a non-committal response that implied further complications could arise from disclosing that information, suggesting procedural missteps in handling the evidence.

The lawyer also noted that Kyriaki’s family had submitted a memorandum to the Internal Affairs department of the Greek Parliament last Friday, demanding more thorough oversight and accountability. The family plans to request a copy of the disciplinary file of the involved police officers, which is currently being processed at the Athens Police Headquarters (GADA).


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