“Someone, acting on orders from superior officials, manipulated the recording of the conversations from the night of the accident,” the complaint details. It highlights the deletion of dialogue from 22:56:54 to 23:07:24, suggesting that this was done to construct a narrative of negligence on the part of the driver, who had over four decades of experience.

This accusation comes amid broader criticisms of how the accident has been handled, particularly focusing on the quick assignment of blame to human error by certain authorities. The family’s statement underscores a year of grief, compounded by frustration over the portrayal of the driver’s actions on that fateful night.

Furthermore, Elpida Koutsoyiannis, an ERT journalist, reports that relatives of the crash victims are preparing to intensify their legal battle. They plan to file additional lawsuits against specific members of the civil protection coordination group, which included politicians and was responsible for managing the aftermath of the incident. These actions will also extend to a personal lawsuit against Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, implicating him directly in the mishandling of the accident’s immediate response.


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