The letter details the plight of these families, noting that the majority of their homes, primarily constructed in the 1960s, have suffered catastrophic damage that cannot be remedied. “Their restoration, with whatever grants are allocated, will be in vain,” the residents explain, highlighting the irreversible harm to the buildings’ masonry, roofs, and structural integrity caused by prolonged water exposure.

They specifically mention in their letter:

“The residents of our village are faced with recurring floods due to the geographical positioning and natural water flow patterns in our area. Except during the summer, every seasonal change and period of intense rainfall sees the water volume surpassing the capacity of the three rivers surrounding our village. This regularly leads to the rivers overflowing, submerging vast stretches of agricultural land and placing the entire settlement at a high risk of flooding.

This cycle of flooding is a persistent issue, with no apparent resolution in sight. Our village’s location has historically been proven disadvantageous; the devastating floods of 1953 and the narrowly avoided catastrophe of 1994, which was averted only through local efforts and a stroke of luck, are testament to the inherent risks. It is clear that our current situation is untenable and requires urgent, decisive action to ensure the safety and sustainability of our community.”

Emphasising their desire for a secure and prosperous future, the residents of Vlochos have called upon the government to facilitate their move from the current state of “gloom, fear, and insecurity” to conditions they believe they rightfully deserve. The community’s plea underscores the urgency and desperation for government intervention to ensure their safety and well-being.


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