“That night, I was out drinking when he attacked me in the car park of the place we were at,” she told STAR. “But my torment continued at home. He had broken down the door and was waiting for me. He punched me all over my body. I was spitting blood, so much blood. I remember, in my daze, he grabbed a knife and started chasing me.”

Despite filing a legal complaint, the 19-year-old says her ex-partner has managed to avoid arrest. “He has been hiding ever since. He passed a free trial, and nothing happened. I fear for my life. The authorities haven’t done anything. I can’t move freely, while he lives his life as if nothing happened. He must be punished—my life has become hell,” she added.

The young woman’s mother recounted the shock she experienced when she saw her daughter after the attack. “When I saw her, I didn’t recognise my child. I only knew it was her by the clothes she was wearing—her face was covered in blood. Now, she can’t even go for a coffee without someone accompanying her. I always have to be nearby to make sure she’s safe,” her mother said.

The family’s lawyer, Maria Kefala Karlis, revealed that the victim’s ex-partner had continued to stalk her even after she left the hospital. “He was seen outside her mother’s house after the attack. We have testimony from his grandmother and sister about his character,” the lawyer said.

Despite the legal action taken by the victim, the perpetrator remains at large, fuelling fears for her safety.


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