Among those remanded in custody are two doctors—a pathologist and a gynaecologist—who allegedly played central roles in orchestrating the fraudulent operation. Three pharmacists were also detained, accused of processing thousands of falsified prescriptions as part of the scheme.

In contrast, the remaining defendants were released, either without restrictions or under specific conditions. This includes a cardiologist, who is the spouse of the remanded gynaecologist. She was released on bail set at €5,000.

Earlier, the Authority for Combating Income from Illegal Activities announced the freezing of assets—both movable and immovable—belonging to all individuals implicated in the fraud. This is part of a broader crackdown on illegal activity linked to the abuse of EOPYY funds.

It should be noted that seven other defendants had already been acquitted in the case, with one still facing imprisonment due to ongoing pre-trial detention. This brings the total number of those currently imprisoned in connection with the fraud case to six.


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