The fight for dignity

“They can take our blood. Our livelihoods and our dignity we surrender to no one,” was the response of the cleaning staff who were yesterday brutally removed from the Finance Ministry by riot police. Four of the women were taken to the Evangelismos hospital for first aid.


Hellinikon: The golden gamble

The investors increase their offer by 25% and promise developments that will change the face of the area

The development of the former airport at Hellinikon for which the consortium led by Lamda development submitted a new bid of 915 million euros promises multiple benefits for the city’s seafront and for the economy.

  • 1.25 billion: the cost of the works for public benefit (creation of a park, rerouting the coastal road underground, new grid creation etc)
  • 50,000: the number of new jobs it is estimated the development will create
  • 3,000 meters of seafront open to citizens
  • 30% of profits to go to the state
  • 4,300 stremmata (about 1.1000 acres) of green space to be created


International protest

Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muiznieks: Withdraw the ‘Baltakos amendment’

Over 2,000 people have signed a petition against the measure which will prevent punishment for incidents of racist violence.
The police are now ‘assessing’ whether the father of the murdered immigrant Shezhad Luqman is really his father!


The time of the banks: 5.5 billion euros of capital is put up for Piraeus Bank and Alpha Bank

Privatization is being accelerated

Bank of Piraeus CEO Michalis Sallas: The successful effort to raise capital is of historic importance.
The banking system is now in a position to contribute to attempts to grow the economy
A decisive move for the banks to return to private hands were made by Piraeus and Alpha bank, impressively surpassing targets in their efforts to raise capital.

The decision over warrants – Eurobank

Investors look to parliament to determine the available share of Eurobank

The market is waiting for the crucial measures for the banks which will be included in the bill being debated before parliament to implement the troika mandated reforms.




Community solidarity in the neighborhoods of Athens

13,000 citizens rely on 37 social support organisations in the neighborhoods of Attica to cover their basic needs for food and cleaning supplies. The self-organising network which has been active from two years maintains its separation from local government and the church.