Arvanitis, MEP and Vice President of The Left, expresses support for journalists Konstantinos Poulis and Anna Nini

Athanasios Chortarias, convicted of fatal bodily harm leading to Kostopoulos’ death, has filed a lawsuit against Poulis, journalist and publisher of The Press Project, accusing him of “insult via the internet.” Additionally, relatives of Chortarias have launched legal action against journalist Anna Nini.
Arvanitis’ statement in full
“The independence of the press and the collective right to honest and responsible information are fundamental pillars of democracy. Undermining them does not only harm journalists but the public interest itself.
To those who persist in attacking independent journalism through lawsuits and SLAPP tactics, we make it clear: we will not allow the restriction of journalistic freedom.
We once again call on the government to finally introduce robust legal protections for journalists and their work.
We stand with Konstantinos Poulis, Anna Nini, and all those who continue to fight for truth, freedom, and justice.
We defend their right to work without threats and intimidation and remain committed to the struggle for a world without repression, without silencing, and without fear.”
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