“Attica is not fortified,” Hardalias said, adding, “The most important thing now is for the government, particularly its financial departments, to provide us with the necessary resources. Announcements without funding are merely announcements without commitment.”

He outlined the scale of the ongoing stream-clearing operations in Eastern Attica, where 38 streams are being addressed. “We’ve already completed work on 19 streams, covering around 10.4 km, and by the end of October we need to cover another 20.9 km across the remaining 19 streams,” he explained. Describing the task as a “labyrinthine process,” he noted that efforts continue in areas such as Kifissia, comparing the challenge to the myth of the Lernaean Hydra. “Every stream we clear leads to another issue emerging,” he remarked.

Hardalias also highlighted the need for clarity in responsibilities among different authorities, calling for the government to take decisive action. “We must end this merry-go-round of responsibility: which streams fall under the Region, which are the responsibility of municipalities, and which are under the Ministry of Infrastructure. The government needs to take specific initiative here,” he urged.

While acknowledging the country’s financial constraints, Hardalias argued that matters concerning human life, property, and the environment are constitutional obligations that must be prioritised.

Despite the challenges, Hardalias emphasised ongoing collaboration with local mayors. “Conditions are tough. Just here, you’ll see one part of a stream is cleared, but further down it’s blocked. The natural flow is disrupted to maintain access for local residents. We need the legal tools to resolve these issues swiftly,” he said.

Accountability, he stressed, is key: “It’s important that citizens know what we’re doing. Accountability matters. Announcements and commitments are well and good, but we must deliver results.”

When asked if Attica is adequately protected for winter, Hardalias gave a frank response: “No, it is not. We are working hard to secure the best possible conditions. We will always be honest, serious, and transparent – and above all, we will provide answers.”


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