The offficial announcement by the Municipality of Athens

“The Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA), the development agency of the Municipality of Athens, reported significant losses for the financial year of 2023, amounting to €3,650,000.

Specifically, at least €2,000,000 of these losses are attributed to the ESTIA Program, which provided housing to refugees. The remaining amount stems from usage costs and accumulated losses due to improper accounting management by the previous administration.

The new administration of EATA, by order of Mayor Haris Doukas, has commenced an audit by chartered accountants and lawyers covering the previous period. This will be followed by a comprehensive management audit to uncover the causes of these substantial losses and to identify any liabilities.

We note that the Municipal Council has recently approved an increase in share capital to address the issues arising from these losses.

Since the new administration assumed office, the organisation has been undergoing restructuring and modernisation. This includes a shift in accounting monitoring methods and the establishment of a technical service for more efficient operation.”


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