Witnesses claim the Greek coast guard threw migrants into the sea to their deaths

Witnesses have accused the Greek coast guard of causing the deaths of dozens of migrants in the Mediterranean over the past three years, including nine who were allegedly thrown into the water deliberately.

These nine individuals are among more than 40 people reported dead after being expelled from Greek territory or cast back into the sea after reaching Greek islands, according to the BBC’s analysis.

The Greek Coast Guard has categorically rejected all accusations of illegal activities in response to the BBC investigation. The BBC showed to a former senior Hellenic Coast Guard official, footage of 12 people being loaded onto a Coast Guard vessel and then abandoned in a dinghy. Upon viewing the footage, the official rose from his chair and unknowingly, with his microphone still on, stated that it was “obviously illegal” and an “international crime.”

The Greek government has long faced accusations of engaging in forced returns—pushing people back to Turkey, where they had crossed from—an action that is illegal under international law.

Read the full report on the BBC website.


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