Despite an overwhelmingly negative perception of the troika (90%), most Greeks remain positive towards the EU (61%) and the Euro (76%). In the case of a referendum on the common European currency, 73% of those polled indicated that they would vote in favour of retaining it, with only 20% against, although three quarters of respondents thought it unlikely that Greece would leave the Eurozone.
When asked about their attitudes towards Germany, 78% responded in the negative, with around 80% seeing both Chancellor Merkel and Finance Minister Schaueble negatively. Most Greeks also thought that Greek and German interests in Europe were not aligned, highlighting perhaps one of the problems in the relations between the two countries.
The polls also showed that the EU and Russia were considered Greece’s top 2 allies, followed by the USA.
The data is based on a telephone opinion survey, with a general population sample of 1,008 adults (18+) from across Greece. The survey was carried out: 12-17/2/2015, by Public Issue.