On Tuesday, the European Commission hailed the proposal which was commonly submitted by Germany and Turkey regarding the participation of NATO forces in the Aegean in a effort to control the migrant influx. The coalition has responded that it will seriously consider the migrant issue. In the morning, the Greek Prime Minister and the German Chancellor have had a telephone communication concerning this very subject.

The German leader visited Turkey on Monday. During the common statements from her and the Turkish PM, A.Davutoglou, it became apparent that both countries were for the participation of NATO in the management of the migrant influx in the borders between Turkey and Syria as well as the Aegean sea. Accordingly, Mr. Tsipras requested information regarding the discussions and statements made by A.Merkel and the Turkish Prime Minister. Later in the day, the Commission spokesperson, M.Scinas stated that NATO will decide upon the possibility and possible ways in which it can participate. Mr.Schinas also noted that “The 10km which separate Greece from turkey cannot be a paradise for the traffickers”.

The spokeswoman for the Greek government stated that Mr.Tsipras clarified to Mrs.Merkel that any possible participation of NATO forces must only be limited within Turkish grounds and it should, in no way, jeopardize Greek sovereign rights.

The Secretary General of NATO, J.Stoltenberg told journalists:”I think we will take very seriously the request from Turkey and other allies to look into what NATO can do to help them cope and deal with the crisis and all the challenges they face, not least in Turkey,”

This turn of events overturns any previous proposals and discussions about common border patrols by Turkey and Greece, something that was rejected by both Athens and Ancara.

None of the two country leaders clarified exactly what would be the nature of the NATO aid while A.Davutoglou mentioned that NATO has the ability to oversee the borders as well as the Aegean.
