After Greece's cabinet reshuffle, a Cypriot MP has called on Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis to dismiss Nikos Tsafos from his new position as Deputy Minister of Energy, following a 2023 online post where he was referring to the Turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus as the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Christos Orphanidis, a member of the Democratic Party and MP for Larnaca, wrote a letter to the Greek PM expressing his concern over Tsafos’s remarks, in which he referred to the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” while working in the United States.

Orphanidis strongly criticised Tsafos’s comment, stating that, as a Cypriot citizen, he found it offensive and unacceptable.

“It deeply bothers me as a citizen of Cyprus, and I condemn his reference to it,” Orphanidis wrote.

The MP also rejected Tsafos’ later explanation, in which he described his comment as a “mistake and misstep,” arguing that this did not justify his continued role in government.

Tsafos made the remark in 2023 while working as an analyst in the United States. After receiving backlash, he deleted the post and claimed it was an error made during a time when he had no professional ties to the Greek government. However, criticism has resurfaced since he was appointed to his current role in the recent government reshuffle.

In response, Tsafos acknowledged his serious mistake, but reiterated his commitment to his country and dismissed any doubts about his patriotism.

“I returned to Greece after many years abroad to serve my country and help address the greatest energy crisis Europe has ever faced,” he said. “In the last three years, I have worked tirelessly to defend our national interests.”

Christos Orphanidis, in his letter, concluded that Tsafos’ past actions and his subsequent explanation were insufficient grounds for him to remain in office.


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