Living conditions in Greece are deteriorating, with one in four people living on the edge of poverty and social exclusion, compared to the European average of two in ten, according to Eurostat data for 2023 released today.

Specifically, in 2023, 94.6 million people in the EU (21% of the population) were at risk of poverty or social exclusion. This means these individuals lived in households facing at least one of three risks: poverty, severe material and social deprivation, and/or living in a household with very low work intensity. The number of these people decreased slightly in 2023 compared to 2022 (95.3 million, 22% of the population).

The percentages of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion varied between EU countries in 2023. The highest values were reported in Romania (32%), Bulgaria (30%), Spain (27%), and Greece (26%). Conversely, the lowest percentages were recorded in the Czech Republic (12%), Slovenia (14%), Finland, and Poland (both 16%).


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