“Today marks the birth of the pole of patriotic governance for the country,” Velopoulos stated. He emphasised the significance of Greek Solution’s breakthrough, despite the challenges they faced, and called on all Greek patriots to unite with his party for what he termed “real patriotic governance.”

“We thank every Greek citizen from the bottom of our hearts for their trust. The Greek Solution is a purely national, socially oriented party that came to govern with responsibility,” he asserted.

Velopoulos also highlighted recent electoral results in Thrace as a wake-up call, suggesting it was a matter of national concern.

Reflecting on the aftermath of the European elections, he stated: “A patriotic government for the country starts now. We are truly the official opposition and will continue until we govern Greece, that’s certain. Despite the adversities, we emerged stronger, supported by Greek patriots. We will never disappoint them because there is a relationship of trust between the Greek Solution and the Greek patriots.”


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