In response to these latest developments, the victim’s son, Anastasis Manioudakis, has provided an update on the ongoing legal battle concerning his father’s death. After months of persistence by supporters and activists, significant developments have emerged, including access to the case file and identification of the officers involved, which Anastasis refers to as “murderers.”

Anastasis criticises the actions of prosecutor Konstantinos Apostolakis, accusing him of attempting to dismiss the case early on and alleging mishandling of crucial video evidence from nearby surveillance, which was reportedly deleted. This, he suggests, was part of an effort to cover up the circumstances surrounding his father’s death. Furthermore, he pointed out that two of the four officers accused in his father’s death were involved in the investigation, raising concerns about the integrity of the investigative process

In a powerful statement, Anastasis reflects on broader societal issues such as ongoing wars, labour injustices, environmental degradation, and state violence, emphasising the community’s determination to seek justice not just for his father but for all victims of state and police violence. The case has garnered widespread attention, and the family, along with a large segment of society, continues to demand swift and fair justice.


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