New polls released over the past few days highlight the fine balance of power in Greece with New Democracy (ND) losing its lead to Syriza in two out of three polls.

GPO poll for MEGA TV 2/12/2013

A poll conducted by GPO on behalf of the TV channel MEGA shows the percentage of voters intending to vote for Syriza unchanged over the past month at 28.6% with New Democracy dropping 1.3 points to 26.2%.

The second poll in Syriza’s favour was conducted by Μarc for Ependytis and shows the party rising to 29.7% compared to ND’s 27.8%:

(Marc for Ependytis poll 30/11/2013) 

The third poll released in the past few days by Kapa Research for the Sunday Vima newspaper shows New Democracy maintaining a slim lead over Syriza at 28.9% to 28.1% respectively.

(Kapa Research for Vima on Sunday – 1/12/2013)

In all three, neo-fascist party Golden Dawn was the third most popular political party despite its leader and MPs currently being prosecuted for involvement in a criminal organisation, and the recent murder of anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas by a supporter of the party. In fact the GPO poll shows Golden Dawn support rising by 0.8% over the past month to 11.0%.

It has been speculated that the neo-fascists would gain public sympathy after two young supporters of the party were gunned down outside its offices. A previously unheard of group claimed responsibility for the killings.
