Tensions ran high during Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis' visit to Thriasio hospital. While the minister and the hospital administrator celebrated the National Health Service, health workers seized the microphone to denounce the government's narrative.
An employee of Thriasio hospital highlighted the discrepancy between the government’s presentation and the reality faced by health workers and local residents: “The government welcomed the hospital’s health workers and residents with riot police. We assure the minister and the hospital administrator that we are not criminals, nor are we the ones who complain. We are the ones who work to keep the hospitals running.”
He further criticised the precarious employment conditions faced by health workers: “Our contracts are expiring while we are the ones working in the ICUs and the understaffed clinics of the hospital, which has 310 vacant positions across all specialities. New hires are fewer than those leaving. According to the official civil servants’ register, the number of permanent workers has fallen from 90,000 in 2013 to 70,000 now. Additionally, 300 contract workers who keep the hospital running do not know if they will have jobs after December 31.”
The employee also condemned the hospital administration’s decision to outsource cleaning services, following ministry orders, which will result in 40 contractors losing their jobs.
He pointed out the minister’s omission of critical issues: “There are 1,400 patients on a long waiting list for surgery at Thriasio due to staff shortages. Only 7 of the 13 operating theatres are operational. We are the only hospital in western Attica, near the refineries, and some think that donations and sponsorships can compensate for the deaths.”
He emphasized the hospital’s lack of essential equipment: “Thriasio is the only hospital in the area without an MRI scanner, forcing even hospitalised patients to be transported to private centres. There is no digital breast tomograph, meaning thousands of women in western Attica must pay for their preventive check-ups when special programs are not running.”
The health official concluded by addressing the minister directly: “The minister’s presence today is a challenge for us, especially since he has claimed in Parliament that Thriasio is not one of the struggling hospitals.”
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