Euractiv reminds readers of the tragic 2023 Tempe train accident, which resulted in 57 deaths, a disaster that has remained central to national discourse, with the legal process to hold those responsible progressing slowly.

Families of the victims, along with opposition parties, argue that the Greek government is attempting to cover up the case. The centre-right government led by Mitsotakis’ New Democracy party, a member of the European People’s Party (EPP), insists there is no political responsibility, stating that it is up to the judiciary to investigate.

EU investigation and concerns in Brussels

The Tempe train accident has also attracted attention in Brussels. Before the accident even occurred, EU Chief Prosecutor Laura Kövesi had launched an investigation into an EU-funded project—known as “contract 717″—signed in 2014, which aimed to rebuild and upgrade Greece’s signalling and remote-control system for trains. Experts believe the accident could have been avoided if this system had been installed. Kövesi has since publicly revealed that Greek authorities obstructed her investigation.

In her email, Karystianou questioned the credibility of entrusting a Greek government candidate with the transport portfolio: “The relatives of the 57 victims of this horrific crime are actively seeking to uncover the truth amidst the endless lies that have been told by the authorities […] Greece has long faced huge problems in its railway sector and persistent violations,” she wrote, adding that “the tragic incident in Tempe is the most devastating result of these long-standing problems.”

Karystianou also cited a recent incident where a tree entered the cabin of a train carrying hundreds of passengers, and two trains were narrowly prevented from colliding on a single track. “Kövesi’s research highlights the deep-rooted issues in Greece’s transport infrastructure that put people’s lives at risk,” she stressed.

Karystianou expressed concerns that, given the ongoing legal case, the investigation into “contract 717,” and the unresolved issues of rail safety, assigning the transport responsibilities to a Greek government candidate “could seriously undermine public confidence in European governance and transport infrastructure.”

Criticism of Prime Minister Mitsotakis

Karystianou criticised Prime Minister Mitsotakis directly, recalling that he stated “everything” pointed to “human error” as the cause of the accident, even before any investigation had begun. She also alleged that authorities attempted to “cover up and eliminate all evidence from the scene, including chemical evidence and human remains.”

Potential conflict of interest: Vosenberg’s dual role

Karystianou raised concerns over the role of New Democracy MEP Eliza Vosenberg, who was recently elected chair of the European Parliament’s Transport Committee (TRAN), which will oversee the examination of Tzitzikostas’ candidacy. “This dual representation raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and whether the necessary objectivity and independence can be maintained,” she wrote.

Euractiv reports that the European Parliament’s JURI Committee, which is responsible for examining potential conflicts of interest of Commissioner-designates, only focuses on financial aspects and therefore will not address this double representation. However, sources from the left-wing group in the European Parliament have indicated they plan to raise the issue politically.

Relatives of Tempe victims take their case to the European Parliament

In a post by MEP Kostas Arvanitis, it was revealed that Karystianou, President of the Association of Relatives of the Tempe Accident Victims, will address the European Parliament on Wednesday. She will be speaking at the invitation of the LEFT political group in light of recent developments surrounding the case.


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