The KAT Hospital Employees Union has condemned Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis's unannounced visit to the hospital, labelling it as a "thief-like" manoeuvre. The Union argues that the secretive nature of the visit reflects the Prime Minister’s lack of confidence in his health policy and the government’s "great work" for patients and healthcare workers

The Union emphasised that the visit was known only to a select few “fellow travellers and accomplices,” while those directly impacted by the healthcare system were left in the dark:

“Food service employees, who were dismissed by the government and administration three days ago after five years of service, were not informed. Neither were the nurses and laboratory workers who struggle with one day off per week and double shifts, often having their summer vacations jeopardised. Hospital administrators who have forgotten what a normal workday looks like and health workers whose salaries vanish halfway through the month were also kept in the dark. Technicians, who scramble to repair dangerous renovations, conducted by EKTER S.A. using Recovery Fund money, were similarly uninformed.”

The Union criticised the government’s attempt to portray the visit as unofficial, noting that the Prime Minister was accompanied by the Minister of Health, a New Democracy MEP candidate and former Deputy Minister of Health, and the Minister of National Economy and Finance. “Despite attempts to label this as an unofficial visit, the presence of high-ranking officials and extensive media coverage clearly indicate otherwise. This was an official, pre-election visit designed to defend the narrative of the ‘new National Health System’ and the EU policy favouring self-financing hospitals and privatisation,” the Union stated.

The Union further criticised the government’s use of the Recovery Fund, claiming it benefits large contractors while neglecting essential hospital staff needs. “The Recovery Fund is being used to enrich large-scale manufacturers and contractors, yet there is no funding to make contract workers permanent, hire additional staff, or increase health workers’ fixed salaries,” they noted.

Additionally, the Union highlighted ongoing issues at the hospital, such as the lack of progress on the much-publicised Emergency Department works and the near-demolition of an entire hospital wing due to inadequate planning. “Despite the hype, not a single nail has been hammered for four months because the works started without the required studies. This has caused immense suffering for tens of thousands of patients. Moreover, the hospital faces 800 vacant positions because of the government’s choices,” they stated.

The Union concluded by calling for mass participation in the 24-hour strike on Tuesday, May 21, in response to the government’s policies. “We shall respond to the government’s fiestas and anti-grass roots policies by organising and fighting,” the workers declared.


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