Konstantinos Tzanetos, a prisoner at Trikala, has been on a hunger strike since March 15 and has declared that he will also begin a thirst strike unless the authorities fulfill his demand for a transfer to Korydallos Prison in order to facilitate his educational pursuits. Tzanetos, a student at the University of West Attica’s School of Applied Arts and Culture, contends that his transfer from Korydallos to Trikala Prison was punitive and has significantly hindered his academic progress because of the lack of adequate facilities in Trikala to continue his education.

In his statement, Mr. Tzanetos stressed, “My request is by no means unreasonable. I fully qualify for educational leave. My extended imprisonment has already taken a toll on my health, and continuing this strike could further endanger my well-being. I hereby hold both the Ministry and the administrations of Trikala and Korydallos prisons accountable for any harm that may come to me. I am resolved to persist in my protest until justice is served.”

He states:

“My name is Konstantinos Tzanetos, and I am enrolled in the School of Applied Arts and Culture at the University of West Attica, majoring on Interior Architecture and Object Design. I completed my junior and senior high school education at the Avlona Prison, where I also sat for the Panhellenic exams and secured my university admission. I have successfully completed one-third of the coursework mandated by law for educational leave, aimed at participating in workshops. Despite meeting all requirements, the Korydallos Prison, for reasons deemed punitive, transferred me to the Trikala Prison. This facility lacks a student room or any means for me to attend my classes. In the past, I have undertaken hunger strikes four times, two of which also included a thirst strike, in a bid to assert my educational rights. However, it appears that the education of prisoners is not a administrative priority. The Ministry of Citizen Protection and the directors of the Korydallos and Trikala prisons deny me the educational rights guaranteed by law. Today, on 15/3/2024, I commence a hunger strike and will proceed to a thirst strike following the trial of my remaining case, scheduled for today. After this trial, there will be no pending felony or misdemeanour charges against me, enabling me to physically attend my school’s workshops and obtain the bracelet. My request is by no means unreasonable. I fully qualify for educational leave. My extended imprisonment has already taken a toll on my health, and continuing this strike could further endanger my well-being. I hereby hold both the Ministry and the administrations of Trikala and Korydallos prisons accountable for any harm that may come to me. I am resolved to persist in my protest until justice is served.”

Kostas Tzanetos
Trikala Prison


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