Medical professionals have cautioned that it is premature to make any predictions about the man’s recovery trajectory. The uncertainty surrounding the duration of his unconsciousness before being discovered in his cell adds complexity to his health outlook.

The investigation ordered by the prosecutor aims to uncover how the detainee managed to attempt suicide while in custody.

Initial reports from the Korydallos prison psychiatric hospital reveal that the man’s condition was discovered shortly after 01:00 when a prison guard, not finding him in his bed, inspected the cell to find the inmate unconscious on the floor. Immediate life-saving measures were undertaken by the guard.

He recounted, “Upon my routine check, I found the inmate semi-conscious with a noose made from bandages hung on a screw. I quickly alerted the shift’s deputy warden, and we, along with other available officers, provided first aid and transported him to the Korydallos Prison Hospital for emergency treatment,” as stated by a Korydallos correctional officer.


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