During the press conference, Karystianou highlighted a significant citizens’ movement supported by 1.5 million Greeks and backed legally by the Plenary of Greek Lawyers. She questioned why the state television largely ignored the event, which aimed to reform the law on ministerial accountability.

“On Wednesday, a significant citizens’ movement took place in collaboration with legal institutions. The initiative, born out of the crime at Tempe and supported by 1.5 million Greeks, was legally endorsed by the Plenary of Greek Lawyers,” said Karystianou, President of the “TEMPE 28-2-2023” Association. She demanded answers: “Why was this matter hushed up, even by the state television?”

Full Announcement:

“Another day of shame for the ‘independence’ of the press. In a country monitored for the erosion of the Rule of Law….

On Wednesday, a grand movement of citizens took place, in collaboration with legal institutions. The initiative, born out of the crime of Tempe and supported by 1.5 million Greeks, was legally endorsed by the Plenary of Greek Lawyers.

Specifically, in the Maria Karystianou has levelled serious accusations against Greece’s public broadcaster ERT and its president, Konstantinos Zoulas, for allegedly censoring coverage of a recent press conference held by the Tempe Accident Victims Association “TEMPE 28-2-2023” at the Athens Bar Association hall, attended by:

  1. Relatives of Tempe victims, representing 1.5 million citizens.
  2. The President of the Plenary of Lawyers.
  3. The Vice President in honour of the Council of State [the Supreme Administrative Court of Greece]
  4. Professors of Constitutional Law.
  5. Representatives of democratic parties who commented on the proposed law.
  6. Representatives of Greek and foreign press.

For the first time, the amendment of the law on ministerial accountability was requested through the right of popular legislative initiative, as provided for in Article 73, paragraph 6 of the Constitution.

Questions to ERT:

Why was this issue hushed up, even by state television?

A party complaint preceded, and subsequently, the press conference was briefly mentioned for only 10 seconds. This diminishes any claim of independent reporting.

Mr. Zoulas, who gave you the right to decide not to cover such an important citizens’ initiative?

Do you believe such a move does not concern every Greek citizen? Do you consider it trivial, offensive, or irrelevant?

Who determines what is of public interest?

What logic was used to decide that this matter does not concern Greek citizens?

Who oversees whether your administration operates impartially?

Do you think it is ethical for personal political ideologies and relationships to be represented with bias on state television?

If not, how are these unethical practices addressed to protect society?

Given that you have covered the tragic event in Tempe less than foreign press channels have, it has become evident that you follow specific orders from the Government.

Ethical concerns:

Why are you funded by Greek taxpayers if your reporting serves specific political interests? Shouldn’t state television, funded by taxpayers, address all citizens impartially and provide complete and unbiased information?

If Greek Public Television operates based on the interests of specific politicians, it is only fair that funding comes from those politicians’ coffers, not from the public, as this is a clear mockery.

We are very active against this mockery. You underestimate our intelligence and institutions.

We demand coverage of significant societal issues, such as the Tempe disaster, from private channels too, especially when public funds (legally or not) end up in their coffers.

For the citizens’ information and as a reminder to the ERT administration, we highlight some of the core principles guiding its operation:

“ERT S.A., without seeking profit, contributes to the information, education, and entertainment of the Greek people and supports national and productive reconstruction.

ERT S.A. is a guardian of democracy and culture, contributing to pluralism, independent information transmission, and promoting speech and art. Its services must meet the quality level imposed by its social mission and cultural development of the country, respecting human dignity and protecting children and youth.

ERT S.A. is independent from the State, all public or private authorities, and political parties, and produces and broadcasts its content in line with the Constitution and existing laws.”


As long as you fight the truth, it will continually confront you. The Tempe tragedy has pushed us to rock bottom, so our society has only one way to heal. We will expose corrupt practices so that those responsible do not become complacent.

We await your response and reserve all our legal rights.

Tempe 28/2/2023 Association


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