The case will be heard today at the 2nd Autonomous Single-Member Misdemeanor Court. Kalaitzidis is being prosecuted under Article 187A, paragraph 6, of the Criminal Code, which addresses terrorist acts.

A police officer from the Department of State and Political Protection, who monitors various websites as part of his duties for the Directorate for Combating Special Violent Crimes, testified that he identified Kalaitzidis’s post and initiated the arrest procedures with the involvement of the Anti-Terrorist Unit. The officer’s testimony emphasised:

“The member of Rouvikonas wrote about imminent interventions by the collective, including distributing flyers (translator’s note: the collective’s most common action), which constitutes both a threat and a provocation. It incites readers to commit felonies and crimes against public order, creating a serious danger to the country. It aims to intimidate part of the population, coerce public authorities to refrain from acting, and potentially damage or destroy the fundamental constitutional structures of the country, thereby endangering public order.”

This trial raises significant questions about freedom of speech and the boundaries of lawful protest in Greece.


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