In a statement, the party emphasised the importance of Greece standing by its commitment to international legal norms, particularly given the government’s frequent invocation of international law in its own national matters.

MeRA25’s full statement:

“On September 18, 2024, the UN General Assembly will vote on a draft resolution to implement the decision of the Hague International Court of Justice (ICJ), which calls for sanctions against Israel due to its illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

The resolution, while not fully meeting the legal obligations of states to enforce the ICJ’s ruling, calls for key measures, including:

  • Israel’s immediate withdrawal from illegally occupied Palestinian territories;
  • The cessation of state complicity in maintaining the occupation, through sanctions such as banning the import of goods produced in Israeli settlements and halting the supply of weapons and military equipment to Israel;
  • The return of confiscated Palestinian land and property;
  • The right of return for Palestinians expelled from their land.

MeRA25 calls on the Greek government to vote in favour of this resolution, which simply ratifies the ICJ’s ruling. Respect for international law cannot be selective—failure to support this resolution risks undermining the integrity of legal principles Greece relies on in its own national debates.

We also urge civil society, legal experts, academics, and political forces who have expressed solidarity with the Palestinian struggle to pressure the Greek government to side with justice and vote in favour of this resolution.

To Prime Minister Mitsotakis: invoking international law should not be ‘a la carte.’ If we claim to uphold the rule of law in national and international matters, Greece must support the resolution on Palestine at the UN General Assembly.”


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