The Ministry of Justice recently issued a statement that sidesteps the government's efforts to ban journalistic coverage and observation of court cases. Instead of addressing the core issue, Minister Floridis simply stated that "the internet was just added," ignoring the broader implications of the provision, which prohibits "total or partial transmission in any way, especially via television, radio, internet." This restriction potentially prevents journalists from using transcription software without recording or filming.

In its announcement, the ministry attacked the opposition, claiming they are “out of touch with reality.” The ministry referenced Article 8 of Law 3090/2002, which has been in effect for 22 years, banning the broadcasting, filming, and recording of trials in criminal, civil, or administrative courts unless the court grants permission. According to the ministry, the recent regulation merely added the internet to the list of prohibited transmission methods.

However, the official gazette published on July 5 clarifies that the new regulation prohibits the broadcast of trials “in whole or in part in any way, in particular through television, radio, the internet, and generally any technological means, as well as the filming, recording, and transcription of trials into written text via software that converts spoken words into written text.”

The Alternative Intervention of Lawyers has highlighted that this new provision conflicts with Article 93, clause 2 of the Constitution, which states: “The sessions of every court are public, unless the court judges by its decision that publicity is morally wrong or that there are special reasons to protect the private or family life of the parties.”

The Ministry of Justice’s announcement in detail:

“It is well known that SYRIZA has been out of touch with reality for a long time. Not being able to read the simple wording of a regulation in force since 2002 (Article 8 of Law 3090/2002) is ridiculous.

Therefore, because they refer to a ‘blackout’ imposed by the government on journalistic coverage of serious trials, we refer to the provision of the above article, which has been in force for 22 years and which prohibits the total or partial transmission by television or radio, as well as filming and taping the trial before a criminal, civil, or administrative court, unless the court itself grants the relevant permission.

To the above methods of transmission, the recent regulation added transmission via the Internet.”

This evasive stance from the Ministry of Justice raises concerns about transparency and the public’s right to be informed about judicial proceedings, emphasising the need for a balanced approach that respects both legal protocols and press freedom.


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